
Best Cheap Paslode 219226 Cordless IM250II No Mar Tip (3-pack) Online

Paslode 219226 Cordless IM250II No Mar Tip (3-pack) Overview

The 16 ga. Straight finish nailer 3 pack of no mar tips replace the current tips on the 16 gauge straight finish tool. These tips allow the tool to be used in expensive woods and not leave marks when working. The no mar tip allows for quick and easy transition between inexpensive and expensive woods. It also allows for precise placement of fasteners.

Paslode 219226 Cordless IM250II No Mar Tip (3-pack) Specification

  • No-mar tips for Paslode Trimpulse finish nailer
  • Three-pack of No-Mar Tips
  • For up-close, precision nailing without damaging the material
  • 0
  • PASL9

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